
[column width=”ten” place=”first” ] [headline htype=”h4″] Study conducted between Sept. 2011 and Jun. 2012 by Laurent MEESCHAERT [/headline]

Compliance with a certain number of ethical criteria (environmental friendliness, corporate governance, social policy) is still some of investors’ core concerns.

However, asset management usually neglects the “bioethics” criteria.

With this in mind, I conducted a survey of 44 pharmaceutical and cosmetics laboratories listed on the stock exchange in order to find out about their practices in the area of research on stem cells.

The purpose is to encourage medical research that is both of a high-performance nature and that fully respects human dignity.

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[column width=”six” place=”last” ][testimonials title= “Survey’s author “] [testimonial author=”” job=””]« I am motivated by a desire to place meaning at the centre of human activity, particularly in my professional support missions on behalf of individuals and companies.

A graduate of “Sciences Po” Paris and ESSEC, I have worked with high-quality teams as a DHR and am currently working as a consultant, helping individuals draw up personal and career plans.

But this quest for meaning concerns every aspect of life, including the choice of investments.

These choices have practical consequences for the life of every human being.»

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[headline htype=”h4″ margin=”low-margin”] Appendices [/headline][column width=”1/3″ place=”first” ][feature color=”gray” title=”Laboratories’ contact details” icon=”ico-group”]Pharmaceutical and cosmetics laboratories listed on the stock exchange [/feature][button size=”small” url=”http://embryo-ethics.com/en:annexes/coordonnees-des-laboratoires-recenses-dans-lenquete/” icon=”mini-ico-th-list”]Read more[/button][/column][column width=”1/3″ ][feature color=”gray” title=”Alternative research” icon=”ico-sampler”]Effective and ethical alternative technologies though already exist.[/feature][button size=”small” url=”http://embryo-ethics.com/en/annexes/techniques-alternatives/” icon=”mini-ico-tasks”]Read more[/button][/column][column width=”1/3″ place=”last” ][feature color=”gray” title=”Legislation” icon=”ico-book”]The position of the French legislator is paradoxical. [/feature][button size=”small” url=”http://embryo-ethics.com/en/annexes/legislation/” icon=”mini-ico-book”]Read more[/button][/column]